Jeevan Ram Shrestha

Jeevan Ram Shrestha

On behalf of Nepal Olympic Committee, Congratulations on the success of Nepal Automobiles’ Association.

During my tenure in National sports council, this association was registered in to conduct motorsports games  in Nepal. I still remember  those days and  the struggles this team had to face to  get the recognition. It was the time when establishment of this association was met with question like Sports like this exists and what can they contribute?

Just within a few years of establishment, your team has produced such commendable results and participation in various continental championship and world level stage like FIA Motorsports Games. The success of your team and international reach and participation is a matter of pride for Nepali sports.

We must appreciate the hard work and persistence of the team in the face of challenges.

I am glad to hear about the success of Nepal Automobiles’ Association. It is commendable that the association has expanded its scope from motor sports to adventure sports, road safety, and sports tourism, and has become a leading national association.  It also has contributed various social cause like women empowerment, road safety and environment issues. Other sports associations can learn a lot from NASA Nepal.

Congratulations on the success of the Nepal Automobiles’ Association, and I wish you more success in the future!







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